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Install Fontself on Illustrator
Franz avatar
Written by Franz
Updated over a week ago

Fontself Maker for Illustrator requires a copy of Illustrator version CC 2015.3 or newer. It will NOT run on previous versions like CC 2014, CC or CS6.

On a Mac (macOS)

  1. Quit Illustrator if it’s already running.

  2. Double click on the file Fontself_Maker_Illustrator.dmg to extract the installer archive from the installation folder Fontself_Maker_Illustrator/macOS/

  3. Double click on the icon Install Fontself Maker for Illustrator.pkg and proceed with the installation instructions to setup Fontself.

  4. Start Illustrator & launch Fontself Maker by going to Window > Extensions > Fontself Maker

  5. Launch the Illustrator version in which you want to install the Fontself extension.

On a PC (Windows)

  1. Quit Illustrator if it’s already running.

  2. Double click on the file Install Fontself Maker for Illustrator.exe and proceed with the installation instructions to setup Fontself.

  3. Start Illustrator & launch Fontself Maker by going to Window > Extensions > Fontself Maker.

  4. If you have multiple versions of Illustrator (like older CS6 ;) launch the Illustrator CC version in which you want to install the Fontself extension.

Potential issues

Common errors

  1. Got an empty extension panel after loading the extension?  => On CC 2015, just click on the top right drawer icon & select “Reset Extension”. If it keeps failing, quit Illustrator & restart the extension (wait a few more seconds when the extension loads again).

  2. Got a spinner that keeps spinning above your extension?  => There might be a bug! Just close the extension and reload it from Window > Extensions > Fontself Maker (you can also click on the top-right menu drawer and press Reload Extension). If you can reproduce this problem again, please let us know when it occurs and send us the logs file that you will find in View Logs / Send Logs).


  • On how many computers can I install the Fontself extension? >> Your personal license allows you to install the extension on 2 computers you use (like on a desktop and a laptop), as long as you are the sole user of this extension.

  • May I install the extension on both a Mac & a PC? >> Yes, as long as you are the only one who uses them.

  • What if I need to install Fontself on a friend/colleague’s computer? >> Well, then I guess it’s time to order another license. It’s pretty affordable, you know ;)

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